Well I've had a busy morning and not a piece of paper in sight(boo!!) But I've beendoing good things.The picture of the cat is not one I've met but one that bears a strong resembelance to the one that's been living rough outside my garden. Sadly my one is not in good condition and I've been trying to catch him/her for several days with our cat carrier.I put posters up in the area to see if I could find the owners.( Had a nice suprise suprise moment built in my head that someone might phone, overjoyed that I'd found him) Sadly I discovered his owners,whose home also backs onto where he is sleeping, moved house and decided not to pack him! Niceeeee!! So I hve now got a RSPCA trap that I've been shown how to set.I'm armed with cat food and a wterproof cover and I'm determined to help the poor little guy. People can be really cr*p can't they!!He's beautiful but in really bad condition( injuries and matted :-( ) and I wish I could home him but given my two little tinkers would not appreciate company that won't be an option, but I'm hoping we catch him and help him out.
Now thats done I'm going to have to take the kids out for a vital club penguin membership(!!) and Easter activites to make. May get a bit of mummy craft in too!! Have you made your lollies yet?? Catch you soon! x
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