So welcome to my old/new blog! it's been sitting here since I got my lampworking kit in 2008! It had a total of 7 posts in that time showing you how well I had done with all things crafty!! Hadnt done very well- had I!!lo! So I'm going to try harder. Try and show some scrapbook pages, some cards and hopefully a few makes and classes. many moons ago I was doing all that at the one time- on design teams, doing mag work and contributing to inspiration blogs. And I realised how much I miss it! I miss it because it kept me going creatively- I loved the challenge and the interaction you got from people doing those kind of things. Over recent years it's been a case of scrap when I feel like it- which wasn't often.So hopefully thats going to change! I have a pile of layouts just being finished off, some oldies that never saw the light and plenty of cards because thats been what I mainly do these days!

So here is one of my most recent cards- father's day is looming! Quite a simple but it looks pretty cool- no frills! the golf ball is a pearl. Anyway thanks for visiting, I'll be adding bit's here and there so do pop by! Laura x
Hi Laura
I'm so glad to see you back blogging, and more importantly crafting regularly again! Love your Father's Day card (wish that either my Dad or my FIL were into golf then I could make a similar card!)
Look forward to seeing all your recent projects!
Hugs, Carole x
Hi Carole, lovely to have you visit! thanks for dropping by!
lau xxx
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